Marysville Law Blog

Don’t Write On It!

Wills are often written once and forgotten for years. People seem to believe wills have a “shelf life”, after which they expire. It isn’t true. The last Will you wrote, even if it was 50 years ago, is still your Will and still governs your estate. It becomes awkward...


“Probate” has become a word mixed with mystery and distrust. As a consequence, one of the statements I hear most often from my clients is, “I/we want to avoid probate”. The fear of this word has led many people to invest in expensive, overly complicated trusts, change...

Adopting A Homeowners’ Bill Of Rights

Planned communities, whether Condominium or single-family-residence in make-up, can establish what is referred to as a “Homeowners’ Bill of Rights”. The purpose of such a Bill of Rights is to place limitations on the power of Association and its Board to dictate life...

Associations Should Be Incorporated

The vast majority of Associations are incorporated as nonprofit corporations. There are some Associations, however, that are not incorporated. This may be due to oversight or may be intentional in the case of some single-family residence Associations (“HOAs”) and some...

Wrongful Death Claims – The Loss Of A Loved One

A serious injury caused by the carelessness or recklessness of another person is a terrible thing, but the untimely death of family member or loved one at the hands of negligent stranger represents a truly horrific loss and a tragedy of the very highest order. In the...